I've been bit by the bug. The OMG, get me the hell out of Winter before I lose my frackin' mind! bug. Luckily, there's work on the table, and my house has enough square footage that I can go for a wander and not feel trapped. I'm totally kicking this Winter thing square in the pants!
I've been a busy bee in the studio, churning out bracelets teeming with butterflies, bright colors, flowers, shell casings and the occasional skull. [What? Skulls and bullets are spring-esque, right?] This stuff will be meandering into my Etsy shop sometime soon, if it's not already there. Check it out! :)
The more I play with shell casings, the more I like it. My husband likes to play with guns, and I like to play with sparkly things. I've been pilfering his spent brass like a crazed magpie. The product of this unlikely marriage has been a lot of delicate jewelry.
As much as I'd love to meander into the hardcore aspect of using metals like bullets and guitar strings, I'm not over the thrill of taking something hard and making it appear soft. Everyone else is out there creating what's expected - zeroing in on the rock and roll and blowing off the hippy ballads.
Give peace a chance?
3 years ago